Envy is a pathetic emotion
~Michael Douglas
I actually received this quote from a reader of mine and Robin's who has turned into one of the best girls I've come to know. What made her send me this quote was some drama that started after being attacked on FF on my personal account. Anyone that knows me, knows as far as the twilight fandom goes, I and team Jalice. Sure I've admittedly done some fucked up things to my favorite characters, but it's part of the learning process. *shrugs* Any who. I was upset and she sent that to me. At first I didn't understand why she would send me a quote about Envy, but today I get it. Out of all the emotions that we, as human beings feel, this one it's the most wasted on our energy.
For example: Yesterday pictures of Jackson Rathbone and Ashley Greene (as well as Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed) were released and the fandom that is either shipping Jalice or Jacksley
EXPLODED Like I'm talking Robsten explosion circa the KoL concert. It was crazy.
Yes I'll admit I totally fangirled, screamed, kicked my feet in a happy manner; hell I even woke up the rest of the house in my excitement over the photos. But it wasn't so much as "OMFG *Sguee* THEY'RE KISSING!" it was more in a 'YAY! New J/A pics for banners!" LOL.
But I digress. A lot of hateful shit is spewing over the internet about Ashley. And it makes me wonder, what the hell has she ever done to the people that call her names or ridicule her? Are you really that envious that she
stage kissed her co-star that played her husband in a movie? Does it matter if they have chemistry that is evident in their body language?
You waste all this energy hating on someone
you don't even know. Which is ridiculous. 9 times out of 10 we envy someone because they have something we want. But take a minute to stand in their shoes. Do you really want their life? Or their possessions? What did they have to sacrifice to get there, think about it.
Sorry it's one of those days. And I'm not bashing anyone's opinions. Sure we can joke and say that we want to be in her place. I'm just upset that people attack her personally as if she did something to them *shakes head*
Thanks to Becks for being the awesome reader turned friend. ILY girl, more then you realize.