Without naming names or stories, just know that someone else published (and has made money) off of the author's FF. This concerns me cause A- It was the story that got me into FF in the first place, and B- cause Robs and I have a completed fic displayed out into the interwebs.
I mean shouldn't publisher's search and see if the manuscript they are planning on approving is indeed the original work? Obviously if they did they would clearly see the only difference made was the names of the 6 main characters as well as the small town in Washington.
But then it got me thinking. What if (and this is a HUGE FUCKING if) Robs and I cleaned up OMS and sent it in... the worse they could say is no right?
And in that case this would be my response (as well as going to effing kinkos and getting that shit bindded and printed as discussed with the peenateers one night):
lol I ♥ Mean Girls....
So the question now remains... to publish or not to publish.. and before you get all
about it remember that if we were to publish we have to put it in either 3rd person narrative or only in Alice or Jasper's pov, plus change names and yeah it would be A lot of work...
sorry it's one of those days for K and I just needed to get my thoughts out while they are still fresh lol.
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