Gotta love rock stars... This week we find One More Shot's Jasper in the office.... see what he had to say...
Via twitter @JazzyGirlCullen
why are you so damn hot? do you know the effect you have on girls' nether regions? ;P
I'm hot cause my momma made me drink milk as a child and I'm fully aware of how wet I can make a girl *smirks*
Alice: god, you are so full of yourself sometimes you know that?
Jasper: Hey! I make your panties wet all the damn time woman. Don't give me that.
Alice: Well, of course you do. How do you know you make every woman's wet, huh?
Jasper: I read the reviews when K does... O.O One girl said her boyfriend got lucky cause of us... hello she was tingling... just sayin'
K: Jasper Thomas!*palmface*
Alice: *eyeroll* fine you're sexy, I already knew that since ladies are constantly throwin' panties at your feet. *takes off panties and tosses at his feet*
Jasper: *looks down at the panties* Damn... those new? *bite lip*
Alice: Agent Provocateur released a new line. *grins*
Jasper: *nods slowly* Me likes... You need a place to sit? *pats lap and waggles eyebrows*
Alice: *giggles and sits*
Jasper: All we need is a blanket... *kisses her neck*
Alice: *grabs a throw*
Robs: HEY! Don't think we don't know what y'all are up to! Stop it!
K: Oi! Focus you horny bastards! Jebus... *looks at Robs* One night child free to do this and all the want to do is fuck *shakes head*
Jasper: Uh... duh, and?
Alice: wouldn't you? *shrugs*
K: Well, I don't have kids so that's a moot point.
Jasper: *looks at Robs* You're a wife and mother, verdict?
Robs: I'd be able to do one little interview without fucking. *smiles*
K: *giggles* that was a hot chapter though...
Alice: *looks at Jasper* After?
Jasper: *whines* but Ali...
K: Now I know were Jordan got it from... jebus
Alice: I promise we'll do it in the car if we have to. *smiles*
Jasper: Yes! I mean... deal.. Alright ladies let's get this show on the road.
Via Twitter @RLStoli:
Which feels better: being a success yourself, or watching Alice succeed?
Not gonna lie, being successful myself feels amazing. But if I look at it from the beginning. I wouldn't be nearly as successful in the things I'm am without Ali. She's the one that got me to get my head out of my ass and do something. Which I'm grateful for, but seeing her succeed is the best.
Via Twitter @BBsaphire24:
How's it living with so many women? Do you see more of Alice in most of them, who do you see yourself in the most?
*laughs* Let's just say I am thankful I have at least one son. Ali and Jordy will gang up on me... which gets really hard to remember that it's just a hormonal thing. But luckily I haven't had to deal with the broken hearts of three girls at once. All of the girls, even Jordy have aspects of Alice in them. Jax is more like me when I was that age, but I think Ash is more like me in more than looks. She's pretty attuned to everyone's emotions and it's interesting to see how she balances it out. For being the youngest she amazes me with the knowledge she already posses...
Via Twitter @Secretly_Alice:
Daddysper: Well, we know why you named Jax, Jackson, but what about everybody else? Are there special reasons for their names?
Yeah actually, Rosemary is named after Nana Hale. Rose was technically named after Nana Hale first but with a subtle variation. It's rather funny because while Alice was pregnant with Rosemary, she loved Momma's Rosemary chicken. Seriously, the woman was addicted to it. More than the damned Apples. So when we found out we were having a baby girl we thought it ironic and fitting.
Well, the story goes that Alice asked Jax and Jordy to pick a name. They wanted Ashley. And Alice changed the spelling to make it more hip and fitting for our family.
K: where the hell were you when that was going down?
New York, I was doing a benefit thing.
K: O.o without your PREGNANT WIFE?!
Chill K, I was gone two days max. Called every chance I got. Even did that web cam thing so I could say good night to the kids.
K: *huffs*
Daddysper: Where do you think you'd be now if you'd never spilled that drink on Alice?
*sighs* Honestly, I don't know. I know now, that I probably would have Jordan, but I don't know if I would be alone in Texas or alone in Washington...
Daddysper: If you'd started a relationship with Alice when you met and were younger, would you have the same connection?
I honestly think we would, yes. If not the same, stronger.
Daddysper: What did you want to be when you grew up?
*laughs* Alright, no making fun of me for this, but I wanted to be a cowboy. I wanted to go into Rodeo shows and everything. After I broke my leg getting bucked off a horse Momma killed that dream.
Daddysper: Be honest. When you stripped away your black hair, did you feel like you were starting over, like a new man?
*Shakes head* No ma'am. I had spent so long as this one person, hiding from things that the minute Brandon put that foul smelling shit in my hair, I wondered if it was really worth it, if it was really worth going back to the past, so to speak.
Daddysper: What quote best describes you?
"Do or Do not, there is no try"
K: *scoffs* Seriously Jazz, Yoda?
What? It's true. And hush this is my Q & A not yours.
Via Twitter @Secretly_Alice and @GemmaRobyn:
Do you really plan on eventually replacing Alice's shoes? I (we) think you should lol
Ah hell... Actually, yes I did replace the shoes. But with the 700$ Jimmy Choos she wanted as a surprise. Took her two days to get why I gave them to her. *laughs*
From lucy alyce:
1) What is your favorite memory of Jordan when she was little?
Teaching her to ride Twilight. The horse, she can put the fear of God into just about anyone, but Jordan dared her from day one to get spooked around her. The smile on her face when she was able to get Twilight to move without my help... I knew she was gonna be a strong girl.
Then there's also the State Fair that I took her to with Alice. She bonded with Alice so quickly, which was a big relief for me.
2) Was there a time when Jordan was older when she asked more about Maria?
Yeah, we were expecting it to happen sooner or later. When she was about 14 she started asking more. Why did Maria do this? Why did she do that? It's kinda funny, cause to this day, she still don't ask if I ever loved her momma the way I love Alice. Or if I regret ever meeting her momma.
From Jackpersgirl:
I have like a bunch of questions for you, like how's your life with Alice and the kids now? How's the music career going? And the kids? ok maybe i just needed to drool over some hot 30th year old DILF! but still want to know how's life treating you LOL
Life with Ali and the kids is... crazy. *laughs* It's a good crazy. One that I wouldn't change for the world.
The music career is good. Ali and I actually started our own company and we've got our first three bands getting ready for the promo tour.
The kids... well they're kids. Jordan is still being stubborn but she's easier to deal with. Momma is suggesting that we have her do high school out in Texas where she and Mar can keep her in line. Aka... Child labor on the ranch *laughs*. Jax is still climbing the walls. He's really into acting and guitar playing at the moment. Taught himself to play "Free Bird" by ear. Rosemary has taken over the role of stylist in the house. Makes her momma proud when she points out Jax's fashion don'ts. And Ashleigh is the calmest of them all. All she wants is a pony and for everyone to be happy. Ali and I signed both her and Rosemary up for dance lessons, they actually have their first recital on Friday.
*laughs* I'm flattered that ya'll think I'm a DILF, *shakes head* I don't see it. Life is treating me pretty well. I'm blessed with great friends, a loving a family and for some reason I still don't understand my wife still wants me.
From GemmaRobyn:
1. Alice knows about your vampire bite fetish, do you know what hers is?
Ha, yeah she likes dirty talk. Like straight up, tell ya what I'm gonna do to ya and how you're gonna react. She also has a thing for when I'm dominating in bed.
2. What song best describes you?
Damn... that's a tough choice. I'm gonna say that there's this one song by The Killers (Jax is obsessed with their sound at the moment *laughs*) Called "All these things that I've done" off of Hot Fuss, I think that fits me. *shrugs* I think after all this time, Ali showed me that I need to ask help. And that song fits...
3. You and Alice have had ‘intimate’ moments in many places and positions, which has been your favourite? ;)
*Chuckles* Just one? heh... Well the first night together will always be the top for me. The things that woman did... *shakes head* Let's see... favorite... Oh I know. Hawaii, We went on a mini vacation a few years ago, left the kids with Ed and Bells and went exploring. Well, we came across a very romantic waterfall area with a cave that was complete secluded. Fun times... *bites lip*
4. Do you think your children are going to be as interested in the music business as their parents? Will they have both yours & Alice’s talents?
So far all of them seem to enjoy music. Jordan's not as big on the playing music as she was before but she likes going into the studio with Ali and me when we're producing. That aspect of it fascinates her, which is fine by me. In fact she helped produce one of the songs on our last album. I thought her face was gonna break when she saw her name in the liner notes.
Jackson has mastered percussion thanks to Seth (much to Ali's dismay *laughs*), plays guitar (both rhythm and bass) and he's learning trumpet in school. That one I wish he would learn faster. *shudders*
Rosemary is getting piano lessons from Ali and Ed, She's really good at it too. Although she prefers to play classical music rather then modern stuff.
Ashleigh sings. It's cute to see her in the tub singing to her toys. Sometimes she'll refuse to do anything else until Ali sings with her. Little girls got an amazing voice for her age.
Regardless of their talents and what not, Ali and I discussed pretty early on that we weren't gonna push 'em. If they want to be in it, we'll help them out as much as we can. Right now the only one that seems to have an eye for the performing is Jax. He's a ham. I think he gets it from his momma but everyone says it's from me *shrugs*
We're actually lucky that our kids have some or all of our talents. It's just waiting to see what they do with it, if anything, that's the hardest part. But we're proud of them and support anything they want to do.
Jackson: *snorts* You're a liar dad.
Jasper: Except for climbing shit you ain't supposed to climb Jax.
Jackson: *holds hand out* pay up pops
Jasper: *rolls eyes*
Robs asks:
What is your typical reaction when ladies hit on you nowadays?
Depends on the situation. If we're on tour or doing something Eclipse related, I give into it. You know a wink or a smirk. I have hell to pay for it afterwords though. When we're out as a family and the girls get all... fangirlish? It's kind of annoying, but I smile at them make their day if they want pictures or an autograph.
And what do you do to keep the romance in your marriage alive despite the 4 kids?
Ali and I try really hard to have a weekend that's just us. We started that tradition shortly after Rosemary was born but between Jax's allergy to everything and Rosemary being sick as an infant we couldn't really do it. Now we generally have either Amber's oldest come over and hang out with the kids (Jordy loves that) while we go out. Dinner, dancing, or a movie. Date night ya know? Or we ship them off to either Ed and Bella's (Jordy and Rosemary love it there), Emmett and Rose's (I'll give you two guesses on who likes this idea, but I bet you only need one) or Esme and Carlisle's for the weekend and take the weekend to ourselves.
I still bring her flowers for no reason other than to see her smile. We have a bath together most nights (the best place to talk without the kids eavsdroppin'). *shrugs* I'm not sure if that's what you meant but that's what we do.
Jasper: It's been fun, but Emmett just picked up Jax... and well my car is warming up, ya feel me? *waggles eye brows*
K: Bye Jazz! Thanks for stopping by!
So there you have it folks! Thanks for all the questions! It's so great to see everyone's question!
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