This week we have everyone's favorite sex kitten (okay maybe just Jasper's) in the hot seat, and she sat down with K to answer your questions. Lets see what she had to say.
From Lucy Aylce:
Kitten: *giggles* I like her name...
K: *snaps fingers* Damn it Kitten focus!
Kitten: O.O Sorry K...
1. What happened with Ernie and the cops after you saw them with him and had to leave?
Actually, I didn't know what had happened or anything after I left. But Ernie was telling me that they were there for Alison, his wife.
Was it them looking for you or had he been involved with something else that they were investigating? (I'm glad you ran into him recently and that he's okay =)!)
*shakes head* They had no idea I was there. Ernie was good at hiding things, me included. Turns out Alison had a warrant for her arrest regarding a possible meth lab. Ironic huh? And trust me, I'm so happy to have found him. He's a really great friend and I almost see him as an older bother.
2. Have you been in touch with Sherry at all since you left?
Sadly no...
3. Do you still cut on your legs sometimes/any time?
I have, yes. I've honestly tried to find other outlets and now with Jazzy being out of rehab, I figure that's something he doesn't need to worry about.
You and Jasper have talked about a lot--is that one of the things you've talked about before?
*nervous laugh* Yes we have actually. K and Robs opted not to add it into what ya'll have seen, but there was an instance he actually walked in on me doing it... *shakes head* It was stupid of me to do it when I did for the reasons I did it.
4. The first time you were at Jasper's, you were dreaming about Jorge and you mentioned the scars on the right side of his face that you had left. What's the story behind those scars?
The scars are probably something my subconscious came up with, since my last memory of that sick son-of-a-bitch was when I fought back for my mother. In my fighting back I had scratched his face, in hopes of hurting him. I know now, that the scratches from me, were nothing compared to the pain he's inflected on my mother, but I couldn't just stand there and watch anymore.
5. Have you ghost-drawn anything that makes you hopeful about you and Jasper and your future together? Or anything about you and Jasper at all, recently?
I have, I've drawn some pictures. There's the happier ones, like of us dancing, smiling and looking lovingly into each others eyes. But then there are also the ones that scare me.
6. Favorite thing about Jasper?
From an artistic stand point, his face. His eyes and face are so expressive that it's easy to capture it on paper. But my favorite thing is his eyes. He has such beautiful green eyes. I swear his eyes can tell me more then his words ever could.
7. Favorite thing about yourself?
*looks at K* Can I skip this?
K: No, answer the question Alice.
*sighs* Okay... This one is actually difficult for me to answer. I wanna just say I'm a good cook and leave it at that, but I know that's not sufficent. I honestly don't have a favorite thing about myself. It's a lame answer I know, but I don't normally like myself.
8. How did you manage to keep so calm when you saw Jasper so close to using recently?
Good question!
What kind of things were you thinking about to help yourself stay focused on helping him? That must've been *so* scary....
Honestly I was scared. I mean what if I came home later than usual? Would have been too late? Would I find him high as kite, or worse, dead? I just knew the minute I saw him broken and scared that I had to be there for him. I had to show him that he was doing the right thing by not using.
9. What about your mom do you miss the most?
Just having a mother, period. It hurts so much when I think about the strong person she was and remember the shell of a woman I left behind. As much as I love Esme and yes, she does provide the nurturing of a mother, it makes the ache stronger....
10. If you could say one thing your mom, what would it be?
I'm sorry
11. If Jazzy would let you interact with Maria, would you? If yes, what would you say/do to her?
Oh! I would slap that bitch so hard! Ugh I hate her! But if I was being honest I probably wouldn't talk to her. I'm better than her. I don't need to stoop to her level just because I hate what she's done to Jasper.
12. Any more tattoos in mind, or are you just playing it by ear?
I've been thinking of getting something Alice in Wonderland related. You know, since Jazz is the hatter and rabbit in one. *winks*
Via twitter from @JazzygirlCullen:
kitten, what is the very best thing about being with jasper?
Most people would think the sex, but no. NGL, the sex is damn good! But to me, the best thing about being with him is that he loves me and protects me even when I don't think I need it or deserves it. For once in my life I feel like someone wants me and needs me, and to me, that's the best thing. Ever.
From Kim:
Kitten: Wait, my boss?
K: No, well... kind of... focus Alice Focus!
What is it about Bella that's got you all "Yum!"? I mean, I get the whole hot chick + you (aka: hotter chick) + painfully hot dood = holy mindboggling orgasm, Batman! element, but why Bella specifically? That mediocre-looking guy from Gossip Girl said the third is always supposed to be a stranger, not your best friend...
You know as weird as it sounds, I don't think I could see myself doing that with anyone but Bee. Sure she's my friend and that puts things into a potentially catastrophic fuck up if something happens. *shrugs* It just kinda happened and there's times when I wish it never did... but I don't take it back.
From Robs:
Kitten: ut oh...
So Kitten I know you aren't gonna like this but what about Edward makes you feel so safe?
Did Jazzy put you up to this? *sighs* Honestly, I have no clue why I trusted Edward and felt so safe with him as quick as I did. Maybe it was the whole, he's a doctor thing so he has like that oath to protect others... But, I dunno... With Edward there are things that I see in him, that I see in Jasper...
Why did you run to him after Jasper dumped you?
*groans* Alright, I'm telling ya'll now, go a head and call me a whore or whatever. I don't give a fuck. Honestly I went to Edward because I knew he wouldn't reject me. I was hurt and felt rejected by the one and only person I felt any connection with... The first man really, that I trusted besides my daddy. I was confused and though maybe Edward would be the key to all of it. Instead, it made it worse. Jasper doesn't trust us, I did things then that are affecting things now and I kinda wish I could go back in time and never did that shit. But I did, and I have to move on.
*laughs sadly* Sorry guys, I kinda rambled that last one huh?
K: No it's okay, you got it off your chest. It's all good hon.
Kitten: Are we done?
K: Yeah, thanks for talking with me and answering their questions honey.
Kitten: No problem
So there you have it, Kitten's hot seat answers. So here's were you expect to find the poll for next week... well, here's the thing. Due to lack of participation we want you all to answer a question for us.
Do you want us to continue the hot seat? Just leave a comment and let us know what you think.
I loved it I do want you to continue it, I also wanted to ask Kitten I just really didn't know what kind of question to ask. :) now that I have seen these, maybe I could ask... i think I'm not alone with this. :) so I hope you continue. ohh and if you don't get enought questions, you could always come up with ones you think we'd like to know just forgot/didn't think of.... :) i liked Robs' questions :) (ohh and Kim's too)
You should definitely continue the Hot Seat. It gives more depth to the characters, and you have more insight into why they've made the choices that they have. Keep it up (:
ReplyDeleteYES YES YES PLEASE continue the hot seat...I was having a hard time thinking of multiple questions, but now that I've read other questions ppl have asked, I think I can come up with more now =)