So I just wanted to pop in and say hello to our newest affiliate fanficers anonymous! *waves paw*
If you don't know about the British Bitch and American Whore, then I suggest you click on either the button below our on our affiliates box to educate yourselves!

So the poll results are in! You voted for Kinksper to be in the hot seat. I must say, it was fun watching K and Robs giggle over the fact that Kitten was hot on his heels. But alas, his legs where longer!
*K groans in the background as Robs throws a paper ball*
Okay, bad joke. Jeez... tough crowd these two!
Well, now that we know who's in the hot seat it's time for ya'll to ask your questions! Remember to get those questions in by 11:59 PST on 1/13/10 at!
Until then, hope ya'll have a pleasant week and I heard a rumor about a possible update soon! *hops excitedly*
Sorry, I'd give you my reaction but there isn't a "Damn, I need to change my panties" check box.
ReplyDeleteLOVE that pic... I want him!