So K and Robs sat down and compiled a list and through multiple computer crashes, wasted Cd's, tempers flaring and tears, they have it for you.
K in her moment of brilliance (or cold medicine induced stupor) Not only broke the bank to make sure you got every song, but created graphics for it.
So for those of you with WinRaR you can download the files for disk 1 here and disk 2 here.
And for the WinZip users, we didn't forget about you... K is just having a hell of a time getting the zipped files uploaded so if you want them via email, Email Alsper.ff@gmail.com and she'll send them your way.
Or down load the WinRar program here so you can use the bove files :)
These songs should fit nicely on two disks (K tested them on 700 mb spaces and got two disks out of it)
So enjoy it :)
Oh! Also, next weeks hot seat is gonna be Robs and K, so start thinking about those questions! And OMS's Alice should have her answers up soon, she's in the office with Robs right now :)
*cough cough* anddd Logan lol