From Logan via Email:
Alright, so I know that music is a big part of writing for both of you, but how do you use it? Do you pick songs that fit the plot and mood of each story, or do you add songs to your playlists as you hear them?
K: Well... I think with OMS it was This fits the plot and mood of the Chapter. DaS (at least for me) was more, this song is how Kitten feels or is relative to her in general. Jay's play list of TR is more things to get me in an arrogant mood lol.
Robs: What she said about OMS, DaS I would hear a song and realize how much it fit Addictsper or there was one song that described him to a tee and I had to have it. LOL. Um Mary's playlist is arogant and sad music, I tend not to listen to much while writing her because I tend to try to remember more of myself with her. For Vampire Jasper, I listen to classic rock and acoustic kinda scary songs. That is fun.
Do your significant others have any influence in your male characters?
K: *snorts* Just cause Chris (aka the bunneh) plays guitar and is a huge sci-fi, science and history nerd doesn't mean he adds to it for me. Maybe subconsciously yes *shrugs*
Robs: certain parts of Chucky yeah... especially the romantic stuff. I ask him a lot of questions, he's pretty honest with me about the male mind. *smile*
In OMS, are any of Alice and Jasper's kids based on mini even slightly?
Jordy when she was younger a lot, Jackson with his hyperness and Ashleigh. So yes. LOL
I know this is a toughie, but, pick a song or songs to describe yourself.
K: Don't Let me get me, by Pink :-| oh! and Bad Day by Fuel
Robs: Bother - Stone Sour
Or Sober - Pink...
You have to kill one of the characters in any of your stories ( a main, or supporting character, don't be tricky!) Now, who would you kill?
K: Published or unpublished? Cause unpublished its a tie between an Edward and a Bella, Published... Jay (from TR) at times.
Robs: Published... Oye. Rosalie from Can't Buy my Love. Unpublished probably the same Edward and Bella K is talking about. LOL
If you could date one of your Jaspers, which one would you pick?
K: Kinksper or Vegassper (unpublished Character)
Robs: Heh. NB. (unpublished character from More than Friends)
K: *eyebrow* Srsly?
Robs: Well either him or Abercrombiesper (another unpublished character)
K: Reaaaaaaaaaaallly... Wut?! Wow... okay then *blink*
Robs: Dude, any guy that can do you angrily against a wall is good in my book and Abercrombiesper... well, what can I say? I love that he twirls his bat ;)
K: Verrrrrrrrrry true *sighs dreamily*
Which character are you most like?
K: LOL Umm... as much as this is gonna kill most of you. Jazz from OMS
Robs: Alice from The Reborn.
I know you've included past experiences and some personality traits of yourselves into some of your characters, but have you ever actually stuck "you" into one of your stories or one shots?
K: The Misadventures of Alice in Wonderland, the infamous DaS outtake with Alice/Bella and peeping Ed. Guilty LOL
Robs: Not yet no.
This happens to me all of the time, and my friends tell me that I'm nuts, so, do you ever have plot dreams? Like maybe you see Jasper decide to up and leave Alice all alone, and you wake up wanting to go kill Jasper for ruining your plot notes?
K: No, not yet at least. Although I have had plots form from dreams...
Robs: what K said.
Via Twitter RLStoli:
It's pretty much common knowledge that y'all, much like the rest of us with taste, cannot stand KStew. Who would u have cast as canon Bella?
K: For me it varies. It really depends on the age of Bella. Normally, the chick from gilmore girls. But the older (mid twenties early thirties Bella) I would say Jennifer Love Hewitt *Shrugs*
Robs: Erm I'd hafta say either Anne Hathaway or Rory from Gilmore Girls.
K: Ah, shit I forgot about Anne *facepalm*
If a plane crashes on the border between Russia and Kazakhstan, where do they bury the survivors?
Robs: LOL they don't bury survivors :P
K: *snorts her soda* Bitch
Goin' the Stoli, Skunk and Sapphire route here -- If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Robs: Marilyn Monroe, because she was beautiful and smart dispite what others thought. I'd love to talk to her.
K: Either Johnny Cash or President Obama. Cash cause he's a legend in his own right. I would just want to bask in the awe that is him... And I think dinner with President Obama would be cool. I would probably ask him a lot of question about over coming negativity and stuff like that.
Robs: Dude I KNEW you were gonna say Cash... and I gotta agree about Obama.
K: LOL you did? Damn, am I that transparent?
Robs: Naw I just know you well.
K: Ah, touche, well... I knew you were gonna say Marilyn! :P
From MxAliceCSF via twitter:
What you do in your spare time that doesn't involve writing, the most AMAZING FF EVER? And who, on FF.net, is your favourite author? (my questions are for both of you!) ♥
Robs: I do a lot of shopping and interior design. I spend a lot of time doing crafts and teaching my daughter :). I also bake a lot and knit. As far as favorite author... I don't think I really have just one... I guess Kyla713 cause when she writes Jasper/Alice, it's awesome and I can count on her to not screw with my favorite pairing lol. I'll read anything Jasper/Alice but I get bored easily so if I really LOVE a fic I'll post it to my favorites and the same with authors. Check out my profile on FF.net ^.^
K: Wait you mean there's life outside of FF? lol. Umm lets see, if I'm not writing I'm crocheting. I've gotten back into the habit of doing it. It's also helpped me cut back on the smoking. Umm... lets see, I play sims, or make graphics in photoshop. I also rock out on Rock Band when our xbox 360 works -_- Favorite FF authors are TBY789 (the office) Obessesing Over Edward (Holding Out For You) and Kyla713 (Anything But Conventional). I don't have much time to read FF anymore.... *sadface*
From Kim via email:
It's become a bit of a fandom tradition at this point.... Ready for a little KFM, ladies?
Round 1 - the obvious:
Jackson Rathbone
Robert Pattinson
Kellan Lutz
Robs: Kill-RPatz (he don't eat tacos...)
Fuck- JaxXx (heh. Oh yeah)
Marry: Kellan (did you see the CK ad? Dear lordy bee and he loves kids.)
K: *laughs* Time to watch the fandom go mad...
K: Jackson
F: Rob
M: Kellan
Round 2 - the ones who always get ignored/forgotten:
Mike Welch
Justin Chon
Gregory Tyree Boyce (Yeah, I didn't know his name either. We all just call him Tyler Crowley. Or "that black kid in Twilight".)
Robs: K-Justin Chon
F: Mike Welch
M: GTB (yeah yeah Tyler... ... what? he's kinda hot!)
K: K- Mike
M- Justin (Although he makes my gaydar go off like MAD)
F- Gregory (NGL, I was gonna call him the token black guy *shame face*)
Typically I would do the girls next, but I just realized Bella only has two female human friends in the movies. Thanks, Summit, for fucking over my little game here.
K: You could have said Bella, Angela, Jess or even Angela, Jess... Waitress lady! LMAO
Round 3 - the slightly less obvious:
Jackson Rathbone
Ben Graupner
Ben Johnson
(Jerad's married so I guess I should leave him out of it. lol)
Robs: Oh this is easy.
Kill- Ben G
Fuck- Jackson
Marry- Ben J ♥
K: *sighs and points to self* Hypocrite but I'm with the wifey on this one.
Round 4 - the obvious with predictable answers:
Ashley Greene
Nikki Reed
Kristen Stewart
Robs: Oye. This one is harder than you'd think...
K: KStew...I guess
F: Nikki...I guess
M: Ash (DURRRR ♥ )
K: K: Nikki
M: Ash
Round 5 - the one I'm dying to see the answers to:
Taylor Lautner
Chaske Spencer
Alex Meraz (I know he's married, but c'mon, he's HOT!)
Robs: Kill- Taycob (sorry he look like my brother ew no)
Marry- Alex Meraz, (his wife is one lucky lady)
K: K- Chaske
F- Taycub
M- Alex (Would LOVE To point out that this is fucked up if I couldn't have Jerad in the KFM cause he was married js)
Round 6 - the ones I'm including only because they fit and the answer will be hilar:
Michael Sheen
Jamie Campbell Bower
Chris Heyerdahl
K: OMFG Who the fuck is Chris Heyerdahl?! *googles then facepalms* I should have know this was the Volturi question -_-
K- Jamie (can't stand him sorry)
M- Michael (I loff that man)
F- Chris (haha no comment)
Robs: Imma go with the wifey here. *nod nod*
Round 7 - the one you never saw coming:
Kill-Jess (sorry *sniffle*)
Fuck- Amber (what? she seems like she'd be good in bed)
marry- Kim (lol and she thought I was gonna kill her)
K- NONE Pfffffffft
M- Jess! :P
F: Kim and Amber at Once! ;)
Robs: WAIT! I can haz two at once?
K: *shrugs* I was just trying to not kill someone but apparently I haz too :(
Robs: Dammit *sniffle*
Round 8 - the domestic chicks I didn't have room for:
K: Okay I'll play for real... but Know this I LOVE YOU ALL *glares at Kim*
K- Anna (Cause she's loffs ben G :P)
M - Logan (Yus, I'm a craddle robber)
F- Kayla (wut? She's got good taste in music!)
K:.... How about I change this to puts back on shelf? Logan... ask me again when she turns 18
F: Anna LOLZ
M: Kayla. I've known her the longest ♥
K: DAMNIT I forgot Logan was that young... meh

Round 9 - the foreigners:
K: Oy vey...
K- Mary (ONLY because it would be one hell of a fight to the Death!)
M- Conty
F- Oliva
Robs: *headdesk*
I really can't choose here... Can't I just marry all mah friends?
okay okay okay. we'll change K to kick
K- Conty and the run like hell away.
F- Mary
M- Olivia
K: and I would like to point all hate mail to the last three KFMs to Kim. Kthankxbai :P
Round 10 - the mostly good-looking profilers:
Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Dr. Spencer Reid
Robs: Easy.
F- Reid
M- Morgan. YUP.
K: K- Morgan
M: Hotch
F: Reid
Round 11 - the cooler profilers:
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau
Emily "thank God she replaced the other chick" Prentiss
Penelope "we all wish we were her 'cept for the episode where she got shot" Garcia
K: K: Prentiss (even though I LOVE she replaced Elle...)
F: Garcia (hehehe)
M- Garcia
Round 12 - the band I'm squeezing in because I'm running out of people and I hate odd numbers:
Matt Bellamy
Dom Howard
Chris Wolstenholme
Robs: again easy.
K- Chris (may you rest in peace)
F- Matt
M- Dom (he is frickin ADORABLE)
K: K - Dom
F- Matt
M- Chris (hehehe again)
Via email from Lucy Alyce:
How did you two meet and decide to start writing together?
K: in the thread on twilighted called "The Cullen Resort" (The idea was the resort was staffed by the cullens and Jake lol).... Jasper was gone (I didn't know who Jackson Rathbone was at the time... I know, I know hush it) So I asked for Hayden Christiansen and she gave me dirty, wet in a shower half nekid Hayden and she's been stuck with me ever since :P
Robs: LOL what she said. We started to talk on gtalk and after a bit I approached her about a combo fic cause the characters in our head played so well together ;) One More Shot was born when we were up really late and sleep deprived and giggly.
K: And to think we were only introduced to online chating via gtalk cause of the huge gchat for the oscars to watch RPattz LOL
Who is your favorite character that you've created in your stories? (Don't worry, I won't tell any of'em!...)
K: Kitten and Cherry (from an unpublished fic)
Robs: Darkaddictsper/kinksper, Vampsper and Ali-cat (unpublished fic)
Whatcha reading right now? Not necessarily in fanfiction, but just generally. Any books off the top of your head that you'd say are a must-read?
K: I'm reading 'Dead Witch Walking' by Kim Harrison. It's interesting, a would of Witches, Warlocks, Vampires, Wolves and Pixes all working together to protect the humans from the bad interlanders (others of their kind/non human)
Robs: Currently reading the Southern Vampire mysteries/true blood books. Must reads? The stand, the green mile, and shooting the moon. :)
If your computer/laptop/connection to internet died for a day and you couldn't use it, what would you do instead? (Hobbies outside of writing?...)
K: Sleep! *laughs* or talk on the phone to Robs while I crochet or play in photoshop
Robs: Probably do crafts or shop if I have money... I love shopping, I tend to shop for clothes for the mini the most... it relaxes me as stupid as it sounds. And I'd probably talk to K the entire time too lol.
If your house was on fire, and all the people/pets in your house were safe, but you could save one thing, what would it be and why? (I guess a more positive way of asking would be to say what's your most prized possession? ;) haha)
K: The box of collectibles that was my grandmother's. Most of them are simple things like knitted towels, clay stuff and what not, but she made them, so they're special to me.
Robs: All my pictures, they are memories and more than half don't have a backup.
Pet peeve?
K: Chewing ice... smacking your food *glares at Chris* Amber's Creepy Ghost voice xD
Robs: rudeness, badly behaved children, breaking promises.
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
K: RICE! or Baked Potatoes... *shifty eyes*
Robs: blueberry scones
Which one of your characters do you relate to most?
K: Ummm.... Kitten in some aspects. Daddysper in others. There's a new one that came up recently that I'm gonna scrap but she was a lot like me in my current mental state...
Robs: Alice/Mary from the Reborn... Alice from OMS sometimes lol
What character in any book or movie do you feel that you are most like?
K: Ron Weasley... Don't ask lol or Tracey Turnblad from Hairspray OH! and Rizzo
Robs: LMAO I have been told Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Alice.. of course
*added later* DORY!
If you could choose any person--living or dead--to be stuck in an elevator with, who would you choose and why?
K: Helen Keller... because then she won't witness my panic attack (fear of elevators AND claustrophobic.... WIN! /sarcasm)
Robs: can I take K's answer and make it my own? Coz srsly... yeah.
Writer's block... how do you make it go away?
K: Honestly... I don't think it ever does. I personally just work on something else. I think that's why I have some many projects going on for me personally, that it's harder to burn out on something... strange I know. but I work better under preasure.
Robs: Write something else... don't burn out. Or write as much as possible as soon as you get the idea and just keep at it, the minute you feel a block move to something else, then come back.
Ever think about trying to send stuff out to publishers some day?
K: We often Joke about doing it with OMS but it's too much hard work... we write for fun. not glory. That's why we were floored when DaS got so popular that it got the attention of certain people.
Robs: I think about it, my family wants me too, my teachers in school always said I should become a writer. *shrugs* I write for fun... I love having people read my stuff and tell me what they think. It's nice :)
Favorite color & why?
K: Purple. I was told as a kid that purple was a stupid color and gay (I was in second grade so this was what? 1988 1989?) and from that day on I claimed it proudly as my color.
Robs: It's a toss up between bright blue and orange, I love happy colors, they fit my personailty. :)
Why do you like to write and how long have you been writing?
K: It's an outlet... I've been writing since I was in 5th grade. Always making a heroin that I wished I could be. Then I got introduced to ff last year and now it's just situations that SM didn't dare to try... lol
Robs: I started to write in 7th grade... before it was always drawings... but I tried my hand at writing poetry and apparently my imagry made people cry. *shrugs* the first time I ever wrote a full completed story was One More Shot. LOL
What's your dream/goal in life?
K: right now my goal is just to survive another day.
Robs: Um... to live a full and happy life. To live simply, maybe become a writer or an art teacher. To be married 75+ years. :)
What song is stuck in your head right now?
K: It's my life by bon Jovi and it's irritating the shit out of me xD
Robs: Disturbia the cover by the cabs... OMG I keep rocking out it's very sad lol.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
K: That's a long list! lol I always dreamed of going to Italy, no reason just to go.
Robs: Greece, Australia and Japan... all very beautiful places. :)
Any motto that you live by?
K: 'Fuck it' Works in any situation lol
Robs: "Everything will be alright"... I just realized people can see our yin and yang thing K. LMAO
K: Ikr? *snorts*
If you could offer one piece of advice about anything--writing, life, friends, love--anything, what would it be?
K: Careful what you wish for.
Robs: Keep your head up and keep moving forward. NEVER, EVER GIVE UP.
K: *sings* Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....
K: Oh great so then I'm Marlin!? MAN! He's such a grouch... oh wait... :P
Robs: dude I totes saw that and was like it's perfect!! LMAO
K: I'd rather be crush... js
Robs: That would make me Squirt.... *snicker*
K: :O AND YOU'RE A MOM!!! DOOOOOD You just made the movie SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much dirtier than it should be
Robs: *hangs head* sorrrraay *Peanut voice*
K: Hey! That's my thing!
Robs: Sorray again.
K: Are you gonna make me use the damned spray bottle?
Robs: *shifty eyes* no.
K: Good, cause I will *pointed look* WAIT A MINUTE Are you agreeing that I'm a grouch!? (Totes just caught that lol)
Via email from Luv_Faith_Dream:
Which one of the stories you wrote is your favourite? Fav chapter or character?
Robs: ooo that's like picking between children. LOL um. I don't really have a favorite story, but I definitely have favorite chapters, mainly chapters I am really proud of.
From OMS: Chapters 9, 11, 20, 25, 27 and the epi.
From D&S: The prologue, chapters 9, 13, 17, 23, 25, 27 and the epi. (which is already written).
From TR: Alice's entry and pretty much all her bits, she's a complex character :D
I also loved the way Can't Buy My Love turned out... I have another fic I am really proud of that hasn't been published and when you read it I think it's some of my best work ever. For favorite characters see previous question. :D
K: Are you talking about More Than Friends?
Robs: LOL no, but I'm pretty proud of that too. I was thinking one shots.
K: oooo.... Cowboysper? *hopeful look*
Robs: Yes. Cowboysper. *drool*
K: That's actually easy for me. OMS will always be number one for me cause its the first thing that I completed (With Robs' help of course) and for that one I would have to say Chapter 12... I didn't think it was gonna turn out as good as it did (ask Robs I was like "IT HAS TO BE AN EPIC MOMENT!!!!") and while, it's not The Notebook type epicness... it is to me :P And totally not related to OMS would be the Non Cannon outtake for DaS... That was the hardest thing for me to write but damn I'm glad I did it, despite the shit it caused.
Oh and I'm kinda in love with the plot for the SSVVA story Kimmy bought. Mainly cause it was supposed to be a one-shot but than I plotted it out, asked Robs and she approved lol.
Each one of you writes one character of the story right? Do you talk about it before together, like what has to be in the chapter or does one just write and then the other one picks up on the events?(Does that make sense?;))
Robs: It depends, we do plot out how a story goes most of the time, but we leave in enough flexibility to let the character change things ;) (if that makes sense)
K: Sometimes I think they have a little too much free reign.... *glares at Kitten and Kinksper*
Any other fandoms you might write about or just Jasper/Alice?
Robs: LOL I dunno maybe Lost... *shrugs*
K: We're kinda doing a Criminal Minds fic... me personally I might do FarScape, Dr. Who or Criminal Minds... (although my luck they'd be crossovers)
When/How do you write, any specific place, time etc.?
Robs: Um. Not really any specific time, though I tend to write at night when I have less distractions from kids and stuff. I get amazing ideas in the middle of the night and have a notebook for those, I also have a whiteboard for the shower because that is my brainstorming place LMAO.
K: You forgot the cell phone for when you're shopping :P I don't have a set time either, I just need my caffeine, smokes and music... the less distractions the better lol
You don't have to answer this one, if you don't want to....are you religious?
Robs: Well we said we'd answer anything... No, I'm not religious. I do believe in God and I pray, but religion is a bit lost on me. I don't frown upon those who are or those who are agnostic though either.
K: *shakes head* No, I used to be... I've had my moments where I question the existence of God or of a holier being. But again, growing up in Al a teen (a program for children of Alcoholic parents), I also recognize that there is a higher power, its just a manner of knowing when he/she can take over for you (oh wow, shutting up now :x)
What's the most important thing in your life?
Robs: You said thing not person.... Um... either my photos or my computer... I really can't live without this thing lol.
K: MUSIC hehe
What's your favourite book?
Robs: Of all time? Um ya'll are gonna laugh and look at me oddly but when I was twelve I picked up a HUGE book called Homecoming Harmony my mom had gotten from her science fiction book of the month club and read it. It's probably the best book eva' IMO, but it's not everyone's bag... so I'll go with the Stand or Harry Potter. lol.
K: Breaking Dawn (KIDDING!) Seriously, Fatal by Michael Palmer, Christine or It by Steven King.
Which character trait do you value the most about the other one?
Robs: Oye. I pick three coz I'm indesisive: Wit, honesty and humor.
K: Wait, I have wit... AND humor? o.O For me, Robs is very honest and compassionate... those are cool. But I guess the best thing is she puts up with my shit xD
Robs: Dood you make me LOL like none other. and You laugh at stupid shit with me. So yes, wit and humor there you go :P
K: Well I'll be a monkey's uncle... no wait that's Larry...
From GemmaRobyn via Twitter:
Is there a certain character from any of your fics that is secretly your favourite?
Robs: Secretly? Hmmm. LOL. I love Assward from Demons and Sinners. In addition to the ones I said before I also adore Cowboysper, but I have been waiting for a contest to enter him in. *sighs*
K: Nope.
Apart from Alice and Jasper, who would be your favourite pairing? Also, what about a favourite pairing from outside of the Twilight world?
Robs: Um James and Victoria, actually. LOL, or Rosalie and Emmett. Noncannon would be Edward/Alice, Charlie/Alice or Carlisle/Edward. ;p Outside of Twilight, Charlie and Claire from Lost. I effing LOVE them. Ron and Hermonie from Harry Potter and Hatchi and Nobu from Nana. :D
K: Umm you want Cannon none, non cannon would be Alice/Bella or Edward/Alice. Non twilight: Dr. Who: Ten and Rose, FarScape: Critchon and Areyn, D'argo and Chiana; Harry Potter: Ron and Hermoine; Criminal Minds: Morgan and Garcia xD
Robs: OOO I ship Morgan and Garcia too!!!
If you could change anything about yourselves or your lives, what would it be?
Robs: I could have more money and be the down to my pre baby weight. LOL. I'm pretty simple.
K: To much to name about myself (low self esteem ftw!), my life? Probably to be the fuck out of the in-laws.
What was your first experience of love?
Robs: OYYYYYEEE. LOL I really don't want to get into this. LMAO. Um I was 13, he was 18, I didn't look like I was 13, he manipulated me, I loved him, things happened and I ended up really broken hearted. I actually think my first love was Sam, I was 16 and he was 24... it didn't end well.
K: Well, when I was 12 I really loved my Cat Elvis.... when I was 14 I thought I was in love with my psycho ex... so I'm gonna say 21
When did you both discover you were brilliant writers?
K: I still haven't discovered that. But January 24th, 2009 I discovered I worked really, really well with Robs xD
Robs: ^ what she said LMAO.
How many more fics are you hoping to write together?
K: *shrugs* Until people stop reading them?
Robs: Whenever we stop sharing a brain?
K: That's a scary thought... js
Robs: IKR?! I had a mini panic attack.
From @daydreamingaway via twitter:
If you had to mix up your jaspers and alices, who would you put together and how do you think their relationship would go?
[10:07:44 PM] Kristin: Umm... Weird as it sounds... Kitten with Douchesper (unpublished) I think for one, douchesper wouldn't get away with half the shit Cherry puts up with.
[10:07:55 PM] Robin: lol YEP
[10:08:41 PM] Kristin: (LOL Cherry and fucking Kitten are looking at each other like O.O)
[10:08:55 PM] Robin: and Jay with...
[10:09:40 PM] Robin: Ali-Cat
[10:09:43 PM] Robin: (rofl)
[10:09:53 PM] Kristin: *snorts*
[10:10:08 PM] Kristin: (I'm just gonna copy paste the im ok?)
[10:10:23 PM] Robin: (nod)
[10:10:43 PM] Robin: AC would totes keep Jay on his toes and bitchslap him if needed
[10:10:54 PM] Kristin: very true
[10:12:00 PM] Kristin: And OH! Vegaslice with Domsper... *snorts*
[10:12:26 PM | Edited 10:12:36 PM] Kristin: that would be lol-tastic
[10:12:48 PM] Kristin: the good little precher's daughter
[10:13:39 PM] Robin: :D :D :D (rofl)
[10:07:55 PM] Robin: lol YEP
[10:08:41 PM] Kristin: (LOL Cherry and fucking Kitten are looking at each other like O.O)
[10:08:55 PM] Robin: and Jay with...
[10:09:40 PM] Robin: Ali-Cat
[10:09:43 PM] Robin: (rofl)
[10:09:53 PM] Kristin: *snorts*
[10:10:08 PM] Kristin: (I'm just gonna copy paste the im ok?)
[10:10:23 PM] Robin: (nod)
[10:10:43 PM] Robin: AC would totes keep Jay on his toes and bitchslap him if needed
[10:10:54 PM] Kristin: very true
[10:12:00 PM] Kristin: And OH! Vegaslice with Domsper... *snorts*
[10:12:26 PM | Edited 10:12:36 PM] Kristin: that would be lol-tastic
[10:12:48 PM] Kristin: the good little precher's daughter
[10:13:39 PM] Robin: :D :D :D (rofl)
Wow Thanks for participating! And if you have anymore questions feel free to ask, We'll add them in here for all to see ;)
we'll pretend I'm older just for this, since originally it was supposed that I was around 25? Yeah, so I think we're good lol
ReplyDeleteLOL well I did get the pedo bear stamp of approval :P
ReplyDeleteMe? Really? Aw... I'd fuck you both too... with or without Kimmy. Wait, can we add Jaxsper in on this?
ReplyDeleteOh and I am... good I mean. I can provide references and everything *snorts*
Love you!!!
All thi question made me want to ask something of my oun but first of all I both of you are the Best AliceXJasper ahouthers I ever read and i fell in love with every one of your story.
ReplyDeletesecond the qoustions:
1) You mention a lot of Alices and Jaspers I never read about like: Douchesper,cherry,Vegaslice,Abercrombiesper and Domsper some of them you said weren't published yet but please some deatels I an dying from curiosity.
2) what inspire you the most in your writing?
yours with all the love
Neta (DigiNetaChan)