"Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?!"

The Music of The Dynamic Duo

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My thoughts on this matter

So... Twilight fuckery

Ash Greene and Kellan might not get signed... well guess what if they don't I won't buy the movie... no tickets (except for that one showing that I know my mom will drag me out to see), nothing. They are Alice and Emmett to me, and I doubt they are actually asking for 4 million, but fuck Ash worked New Moon for under a mil? SERIOUSLY? SHE DESERVES THIS FUCKING RAISE SUMMIT! I haven't even bought new moon, lord knows I won't... I will however see Eclipse a million and a half times and probably buy all Jalice and Volturri and Seth and Charlie paraphilnalia.

I mean come on, I like fanfic better than the original books...

yeah. nothing big just my thoughts on the matter... What are yours?


  1. I agree this is all just bulshenanigan fucketty. Stupid corporations and their issues. The movie is gonna make trillions and trillions of dollars, what's a few mil to give to the actors who actually deserve it.
    I gotta say tho...cos I am biased...I am happy Jackson's reps have backed down and he will prob be in it. I think my heart would literally break if he got booted **ducks**

  2. I know I am so upset. It is the Cullen siblings that made the story worth while and Kellan and Ashley were such good casting. I love Jackson but I would love him more (as Jasper) if they could figure out his frigging hair (any way that was a tangent.) I am with you in the fact that I like fan fiction better than the original books- it is all the weird sexual values that SM seems to be pushing and there is so much that makes my inner feminist want to die.(I also like the movies better than the books.)
    It also totally undermines the "perfect relationship"/ mating for life if you mess with the couples. That is the appeal of these stories is the fact that the relationships are so perfect. It is the same reason why I don't like non-cannon parings, the appeal is the perfect/ forever love.
    -Oskigal/ Kate

  3. I am blissfully unaware except for Twitter snippets. I will boycott the movies if they don't get signed. Not even joking.
