So take a seat, y'all know how I get when there's something important or whatever that needs to be said. Don't worry, I can wait. *sits patiently*
Ready? Okay... here goes.
As some of you may or may not know. Robs and I are getting our asses handed to us once again with real life. But that's to be expected when your full time job is either wife/mother or college student. Life is gonna get hectic and the muse will be quiet, so to speak.
But it's not just affecting us. It's affecting an integral part of the Alsper team. Our beta Amber.
Anyone who has met this lady, knows of her pervy mind and ability to make the sun shine in anyone's darkest day. She has been a complete supporter of our works and a true blessing to us as not only our beta but our
Right now, Amber needs the help of her friends and this fandom. She needs your prayers and positive thoughts as she faces something that is becoming a devastating blow to her. I won't go into detail as to what is going on, but please know that Robs and I aren't the kind to just say "hey she can't deal with her oldest dating, pray for her" (God, I hope her oldest isn't dating yet o.O).
Why does this affect our muse? Because for the Pisces that Robs and I are, family comes first. Amber is our family, only better, because we got to choose her, and for some reason she loves our brand of crazy.
This is why there is no More Than Friends update this week. While yes, we have it written, it's not ready for the public.
Please don't mistake this as a cop-out on our half. It's not. While we may seem like we aren't working on More Than Friends or even Dangerous Beauty, we are. As well as a few other ones that you've all had glimpses of through our witfits.
As soon as Chapter 23 and Chapter 4 of MTF and DB, respectively, are ready, we will post it. Until then, we hope you enjoy the outtakes and one shot's you're receiving.
Thank you
K & Robs
And of course obligatory Jackson gif Just to make Amber giggle :)

K & Robs,
ReplyDeleteLeaving me speechless is quite the achievement but you've done it. It took me a while to compose myself enough to organize my thoughts and basically, this is what I came up with -
OMG, I love you two!! *while sobbing heavily*
All those nice things you said - I swear, I feel like you're my family too... My email last week was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, mainly because I hated that I was letting you both down. Thank you again for being so understanding.
I also really appreciate any prayers sent my way... I sincerely believe in the power of positive thought and well, like I said, it's been pretty hard to come by around here lately.
Basically, you guys rock - you fit perfectly into my pervy little world and I really, REALLY like it - Thank you for being my friends.
And boy, do you know me or what? That GIF *sigh* Jax, you can dance for me anytime bb ... hey K, you still can't make his clothes disappear huh? I hope you're still working on that.
hmm, stripping dancing Jax *Amber starts counting her twoonies (Canadian $2 coins)* I got lots here for lick him - I mean lick'em and stick'em... *smirk*