Tuesday, June 29, 2010
New feature and the return of an old favorite!
Yes ladies and gents... a teaser. This will happen every week and will be in the form of either a picture or text. So head on over there to get this weeks teaser!
Now... we're bringing back something that y'all seemed to enjoy... THE HOTSEAT! First up on the chopping block is NB and Ali Cat from More Than Friends. Yes together! (new I know) But this way you can see them feed off each other.
So start thinking about those questions you have thus far and keep an eye out on this blog to see when we'll be accepting questions. ;)
That's all for now. OH! and don't forget to bid on us at the fandom gives back auctions!
K & Robs!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Fandom Gives Back

Yes ladies and gents (I know there are a few of you out there) Robs and I are going up for auction again.
But there's two we're in.
We're in the normal auction... and the highest bidder wins...
An outtake 3000 words min to any of our Completed fics. That's right, any of them.
You want more Kinksper(darkaddictsper)?
You want too see the shinnangins Daddysper and Mommylice had on one of their honeymoons?
Do you want to see what would have happened to Jay and Mary had the situations been different?
It's up to you! As the winning bidder you get the missing moment, or the AU for the story. (remember the AU MusicalSara won for DaS? Just like that)
This baby is starting at $10.00 and I know there's a few of you ladies who would love to get the rights to say, "Yeah that outtake, totally my idea."
Remember that this auction is Jasper/Alice only. Sorry but not TRmett, Assward (DaS) or OMSella love. At least not in a shipping sense.
**We would like to point out that in DaS it was cannon of Kitten to have possibly partake in a threesome with either Jasper and Edward or Bella and Jasper but PLEASE REMEMBER, cannon wise, if you have J/A/E there will be NO CROSSING OF THE PEEN or if you chose J/A/B there will only be peenatration *K snickers* of Alice... js**
Sounds good yes?
The there there is auction numero dos. This one is First Come First Serve, with a twist.
While yes traditionally the first come notion is say Amber pops in with $5 first she wins it.
We wanted to spice it up. While the opening bid for this bad boy is $1.00, the Three highes bidders will each recieve an outtake of a minimum 1500 words. For any CANNON pairing. Yes this includes Jake/Bella (cause face it, if Edward didn't play Emopire in Voltura the mutt would have gotten that ass... js) These do not have to be with voices you already know. All we ask is that you give us a prompt. Ie: A song (Remember what we did for OneRepublic's All the Right Moves?"), a picture (Weheartit.com is a pleathra of insperation) or a general plot idea. Oh and of course you pair of choice.
Sounds simple yes?
It is! Now what you have to do it go to either the auction or the first come first serve and bid! Then come hang out at the Fandom Gives Back sponsered thread, where you can taunt other bidders and play with us!
So important stuff you need to know.
The auction begins June 26th at 11:59 PM EST and ends July 2nd 11:59 PM EST.
Be sure that you have registered at the main page of the Fandom Gives Back Auction here and read the F.A.Qs
You can bid for the bigger outtake here
if you want to be the FCFS aution here
Then go to the Fandom Forums and register there so you can chat and play with us here
Monday, June 14, 2010
Rob's random fic recs
I've been in a rather dark fic reading mood lately, so... without further adu....
My First fic rec is a M rated (and it def earns it's rating) Ed/Bella story.
I don't read many Edward and Bella fics, but Lambie writes really well and she actually makes me enjoy her fics. Edward is a vampire who lives in a world where a bloodborn pathogin that could kill vampires has infected many humans. Bella isn't infected so Edward kidnaps her as his own personal blood supply. It has a kick butt Vamplice and her human toysper ;). It's awesome give it a try.
My second rec IS A STRONG REC. It's a Jalice one shot. READ IT. REVIEW IT.
My Alice by xIt's Time to Burnx
I found this fic last night when I went dark fic hunting. OH MY GOD. It's somewhat disturbing, and it definitely earns it's M rating, but if you're as twisted as I -and apparently the author who is an absolute sweetheart- am, you'll effing LOVE this. I don't wanna say too much lest I devulge the plot but READ IT. Especially if you like darkness. FOR REAL. DO IT.
Last (for this week) but certainly not least: My WIP Jalice fic rec:
Just Listen by YellowporsheyGirl1901
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5435433/1/It's just starting out, but it definitely has me intrigued, I do hope she continues it, so stop by read it, (it's one of the only T rated fics I'll ever rec) review it, give her some encouragement. Jasper is fun in this and Alice is mysterious. I like it. :)
So there you go for this week, enjoy and review and tell them where you found their fics!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Time line
November 27th 1984- Jasper Alexander Whitlock was born in Forks, WA. Gets moved to TX
February 14th 1987- Mary Alice Cullen [the second] is born in Biloxi MS.
June 16th 1993- Ali falls off her bike, skins knee, Jasper helps her. Meets Ed and Em. Ali tell Jazz she’s going to marry him, he says “sure kid.” Discussed in Chapter 2 in Alice’s Pov
February 19th 2000- Ali’s 13th birthday party, spin the bottle lands on Jasper. Discussed in Chapter 3 in Jasper’s POV
February 17th 2001- Ali’s 14th birthday party. Seven minutes in heaven turn into ten. Discussed in Chapter 7 in Jasper’s POV
October 12th 2001- homecoming bonfire, Ali tells Jazz she’s in love with him, he tells her he doesn‘t see her that way. She stops talking to him. Discussed in Chapter 4 in Alice’s POV
December 29th 2001- Jasper juggles vases while high and on a trampoline, ends up needed 20 stitches. Discussed in Chapter 5 in Jasper’s POV
January 20th 2002- Jasper helps Ali relieve some tension. Discussed in chapter 9 in Jasper’s POV
February 14th 2004- Ali’s birthday, watch movies with crew Jasper gets to second while her to be quiet then takes her to the beach where they end up falling asleep naked in a sleeping bag. Discussed in Chapter 8 in Alice’s POV
March 5th 2004- Un-official anniversary of when they became best friends. They go to a waterside hotel in Seattle. Discussed in chapter 11 in Jasper’s POV
February 14th 2005- Ali’s 18th birthday. Discussed in Chapter 10 in Alice’s POV
April 22nd 2005- Ali’s Prom night, Jazz leaves. Discussed in Chapter 1 in Jasper’s POV & Chapter 6 in Alice’s POV
May 5th 2005- Ali finds out she’s pregnant. Discussed in Chapter 12 in Alice’s POV