My multi chapter WIP Jalice fic rec:

Flaming Youth by YxControl
I love the style of this fic; it's very realistic, angsty but not overly and I love her characters; LOVE THEM. It's very easy to step into Alice's head and relate to her, she is your typical 15 year old girl full of self doubt and completely in love with her 18 year old brother's best friend. It's a bit out of cannon but whatever, I love it and it's well written.
My other multi chapter WIP fic rec:

Wild At Heart by silveraure
This is James and Victoria and written from both POVs (at this point) I love this fic and it's starting to look like it's gonna be cannon! This is seriously a little diamond in the rough and you better get on the bandwaggon before it takes off without you! A warning though; it has a bit of angst and drama.
My oneshot fic rec (it's Jalice of course):

Down by the Swimming Hole by Bemylullaby
Whenever I think of a sweet southern Jasper my mind drifts to this fic, I absolutely love it, too bad she doesn't write more Jalice ;) Give it a try, it's well written and a hot little ditty.
My other oneshot fic rec (see my comments about Jalice ;)):

The Collar by Lethologica86
Domsper, sublice, and really hot smut. What more do you need? It's an old fav of mine.
And now my completed fic rec:

Cowboys Have Fangs, Too. By Pastiche Pen
It's entirely in JPOV and I was slightly nervous when I started it that it was going to go in the direction of a pairing that I absolutely loathe, but turned out to be pleasantly surprised. It's extremely well written and I really enjoyed it! Give it a try I promise you won't be disappointed.
Be sure to review and tell them where you got the rec!!!