So the girls have been getting a lot of questions regarding the blog and what's next.
As many of you know, there is in fact a lynch mob on While yes, they are targeting lesser known fics and big named Edward/Bella fics, the girls are preparing the blog to post stories here as well.
This has actually been in the works long before the fuckery at started to happen.
Will they be posting on as well? Yes.
The story blogs are mainly a back-up plan for most of the stories (like OMS and DaS), as well as a way to enhance your reading pleasure (as demonstrated with
The girls are excited to get each story up on the blog, which will also have added bonuses to reflect that individual story (ie: Playlist, character bios, graphic ect). But they do ask for your patience since this endeavor is going to be a massive one (Cause they are perfectionists lol).
While at this time, there has been no talk from itself, all stories are safe and will remain posted there. At least, until they are told other wise.
Also in light of the plagiarism that has been running rapid on the girls wanted to tell you now, unless you see the names Alsper, Calin-Durus, Kirmit(chocolatebrowneyes) attached to the story,
THEY DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO REPOST OUR STORIES. Please report that person as well as the story to the site admin (if it's than you would send and email to Do
not review them. All you're doing is giving them the attention that they obviously think they need, which encourages them.

Unless it's Kayla, then it's okay, just feed her goldfish crackers, hot cheetos or hot fries, but make sure you got plenty of liquids for her to drink xD (Love you bb!)
On that note; thank you to everyone that helped in this past week's fuckery. It is amazing to see what our readers are willing to do to not only protect their favorite stories, but our friends as well!
As you know, both
The Reborn and
Demons & Sinners are coming to a close. Many of you have asked the girls "What's next?".
While they did mention in the latest TR update that they will be taking a short hiatus, that doesn't mean they aren't working. Currently the girls are working hard on the long anticipated story
More Than Friends with their beta Amber; as well as getting more of
Dangerous Beauty written up with the help of their other beta Kim.
There are also more outtakes for TR, DaS and even OMS (*holds down ears as the collective squees commence*) that is getting worked on; various one shots and some Support Stacie winning fics.
So fear not, there will be something there for you to hold you over.
The girls also want to thank you all for your patience, support, kindness and overall love for everything they've done. Whether it be under the name of Alsper or their individual work; each and everyone of you continue to inspire and remind them why they started posting in the first place.
We hope you have a great Easter (for those that celebrate!)!