"Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?!"

The Music of The Dynamic Duo

Friday, February 12, 2010

In the Hot Seat with One More Shot's Alice!

From SecretlyAlice (via twitter)

If Jasper had never spilled that drink (and ruined those adorable shoes!), where and with who, would you be now?

I think I'd still be with him, just without all the fighting, we were very attracted to each other. I do still miss those shoes, regardless of what he bought to replace them.

Jasper writes songs about you and performs them, but have you ever written a song about him?

Yeah actually, we have a few love songs I wrote about him. *smile*

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I actually wanted to be a model. I'm way too short for it though. *laughs*

From RLStoli (via twitter)

Same question I asked Daddysper -- Which feels better: succeeding yourself, or watching the Jazz-man succeed?

Watching him succeed, definitely, I love the fact that with me around he seemed to pull his head out of his ass and the fact that he became a man that he could be proud of.

From K:

In the time that you've been married to Jasper, have you ever had a moment where you wondered if you two were going to last? Whether it be his attitude towards Jordan and Maria, or just stress making ya'll fight in general. If so do you mind sharing with us what it was and how you two over came it?

For some odd reason when I first get pregnant I get irrationaly jealous, and those are usually the points where I wonder if we're gonna make it. I don't even think he realizes it, or what I'm thinking... especially when I was first pregnant with Rosemary, I knew Jasper loved me, but I hated feeling like he was being manipulated by Maria from the grave. It's just odd.

Jazz: Wait... how the hell was she manipulating us from the grave? *eyebrow*

Ali: Cause you still had to run out and do all the crap for her. It was like, since she was dead you could remember good things and forget the bad and then you'd want her back or something. I dunno I was hormonal.

Jazz: *shakes head* I didn't want her back, I just wanted Jordy to remeber the good shit about her, granted there wasn't much of it...

Ali: I know, like I said, I was hormonal. I had all kinds of dreams that you were sleepin with Bella or Edward too.

Jazz: *wrinkles nose* That's just... wrong.

What do you love most about Jasper? What's the one thing you wish you could change about him?

I love his spirit, he's so fiesty, it is seriously sexy to me.

I wish I could make him more confident and optimistic. Everything is always so bad or the end of the world for him.

A reader asked Jasper about his opinion of if the kids will have your musical talents combined and who has more of who's talents. Do you see the kids being more like their father or you when it comes to music and/or performing of any kind?

Jordy and Jax are definitely much more like their father, if anything Jackson is probably more musically inclined than either of us. My thinking is because we were on tour while I was pregnant. Rosemary hates the spotlight, I think she's gonna be more like Edward or Bella, a behind the scenes person. Who knows? Ashleigh looks like her daddy, but I think so far she acts a lot more like me.

All of our kids love music, they were raised with it so how could they not?

How do you feel about Jordan dating? Any advice you gave to her about dating or broken hearts?

I'm just happy she stopped mooning over Double D for the most part. *laughs* Um, yeah I actually told her to never let a guy convince you to do anything, no means no, no matter what. I've been working very hard on getting her to not make stupid mistakes, but sometimes they happen, and that when you make mistakes you need to own up to it.

Broken hearts heal, it may take some time, and you may have a scar from it, but it heals.

So Thank you Alice and Jasper (Jeebus those two are joined at the hip ain't they?!) For stopping by!

So our next victims are the one and only creators of the fics. That's right K and Robs are in the hot seat this time around. ASK THEM ANYTHING! Seriously, Anything, they HAVE to Answer it!

*K chokes on soda*

*Robs gets shifty eyed and mumbles oh God*

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