With Ali Cat and Nerdy Boy
Let's just get started shall we?
From: JazzyGirlCullen
For Jasper:
- What did you think of little Alice when she skinned her knee and declared
you will be hers someday?
N.B: I thought she was cute, the whole damsel in distress thing works for her.
- When did you start noticing her that way? When she was 12? What was
happening at that time?
N.B.: Yeah, when she was twelve, I started noticing the little things. Like the way she wore her hair or how when she's concentrating she sucks in her upper lip. Then there was the whole her doing her ballet stretches and it was doing things I probably shouldn't have...
- What the heck is your deal that you're so emo and shit? =)
N.B.: I'm Emo?
K: *nods* You get that way yeah.
N.B.: Do you blame me?
K: When it's related to your past, no. When it was to do with Alice, I want to smack you upside your stupid nerdy head.
N.B.: Wow... I think you need anger management classes K
K: You want epic cockblock? Need we ask Daddysper and mommylice what happens when you fuck with me or Robs?
N.B.: *blinks* Y'all are God, got it.
- Now that you know you have a son, are you planning on doing anything about it? Not sure if you can, legal wise, but have you thought at all about seeing him?
N.B.: I don't think there is anything I can do about it. I mean, that was completely Ali's choice. Given the circumstances, I think she did the best thing she could for both her and Ryan. If there was so magic undue button, I'd be on it like white on rice.
From unknown:
For Alice:
Do you really love Garret or would you give him up in an instant to have Jasper back?
A.C.: Um... Do I have to answer this *looks at Robs*
Robs: *nods*
A.C.: *sighs heavily* I really do love 'Rhett... but not like I love Jasper, never like I love Jasper...
K: Nice side stepping there Ali... *whistles innocently*
A.C: Hey! I did not side step!
Robs: Yeah you did.
A.C: *sighs* fine... Okay if I knew N.B. was gonna stay and stuff, yeah.
Alice, how did you choose the name Ryan for your son?
A.C.: It means little king... I thought it was cute *shrugs*
For Jasper:
Do you still want alice?
N.B.: Uh, duh?
K: Don't be condescending Jasper. No body likes a dick
N.B.: *snort* Au contraire, Ali Cat loves dick...
K: *smacks N.B. with notebook* I didn't mean your third leg you fucking perv.
N.B: OW! OKAY *huffs* Yes, I still want Alice, I've always wanted Alice and I will still want her even when I've met my untimely demise... *mumbles* at the hands of K..
K: *snorts* Damn straight, don't make me write a bus chapter... js.
N.B: *blinks*
Robs: I should show you what she wrote for Demons and Sinners when she got pissed at the characters... Just sayin.
K: *sing song voice* The bus is a coming...
Robs: Hey now... he's being good K.
K: Oh no, I know. I'm just letting him know... you know?
Robs: *nods* ok just makin sure.
And why did you want to make a sex tape with her so bad?
N.B.: Cause she's hot...
Robs: So you made a sex tape?
N.B: Well... no. I mean that's a reason she's fucking hot. It came in handy when she was at home during the week. *High fives another Jasper*
K: Damn it Abercrombie GO AWAY!
Abercrombiesper: Wut? I was just given the man props... *leaves*
Tell us about the time Edward almost caught you and Alice during *sexy time* ;).
N.B: *groans and covers his face* Which time?
K: O.O there's more then once? Shit I didn't even know about the one time! I just knew about Emmett!
N.B.: *shakes head* There was the one time in my car, we were done but man, two minutes earlier and he would have seen his sister riding me like a prized stallion
K: Ugh
N.B.: What? o.O
K: What is it with the Jasper's I work with referring to themselves as stallions? Srsly, I don't get it.
N.B.: It's a southern thing. most of us were from Texas, or in Jay's case Mississippi, so it's a southern thing.
K: Jay would have said Mustang.
N.B.: Stallion are better, they're stronger and harder to tame.
K: *snorts* You ever said this theory to AC?
N.B.: Hell No, she'd have my nuts for earrings.
For Both:
How have your feelings for the other changed since you broke up?
N.B: intensified...
A.C.: What he said.
What's your favorite position? ;)
N.B.: Hmmm... Well there's doggy *nods* Especially when I've got her hands tied behind her back. *bites lip*
A.C.: I like standing... or up against the wall. appreciatively.
N.B.: Or when you're riding me, while on the bike *smirks at A.C.*
K: *whispers to Robs* Me think he's horney.
Robs: You think?
A.C.: *stupid grin*
From Logan:
For Alice:
Are there ever times where you want to throw up your arms and admit defeat, before running off to find Jasper and just be together despite mistakes and events in the past?
A.C.: There's been a few times yeah.
If Garrett asked you to marry him in front of Jasper, what would your reaction be?
A.C.: Um I would die? Run away? Are those acceptable?
Robs: I think neither are polite.
A.C.: I would've probably told him no... *feel guilty*
For Jasper:
Jazz, why the hell can't you man up and dump Kelly? I mean, we can see that she has a scary infatuation with you, and you obviously don't love her. Even if fighting for Alice's heart fails, surely you could find someone more er...sane?
N.B.: Because A - dumping her while I'm in Washington is an asshole thing to do...
K: So is fucking your ex
N.B: No, if I were fucking my ex it would be... Well I can't say cause K would write her *uses finger quotes* Bus chapter.
K: *eye roll* Fine, Cheating on her with your high school sweetheart, the love of your life, your soul mate, is an asshole thing to do as well.
N.B.: Touche. Honestly, I don't want anyone but Alice... But I can't risk sending Kelly off the deep-end either.
Tsk tsk, I don't know what it is with you boys. First daddysper, and now you! Why on earth would you tarnish an article of clothing that belongs to Alice? Is it that hard to open up a damn zipper in a time of passion?
N.B.: Excuse me!? I am not like him! I did not impregnate someone then leave!
K: *clears throat and raises eyebrow*
K: Face it dude, you're like daddysper.
N.B.: No, had I known, I would have stayed! I didn't know. He knew. Big difference
K: Right but Logan asked about the dress... not Ryan.
N.B.: Right... um... oopsie *shrugs*
For Both:
What do you love about each other the most? (Physical and Emotional etc.)
N.B.: Ali's always had this light in her eyes. I swear sometimes on my darkest days, all I needed was one look from her and I felt like I could find my way home. Physically, her legs... Dancing did her body good... just sayin'
A.C.: *laughs* I love that N.B. is so compassionate... I think that's why he's dating Kathy to be honest. *smirks* and I absolutely love his stomach... and his back... and his face *dreamy sighs*
N.B.: Who the fuck is Kathy? o.O
A.C.: You're psycho girlfriend?
N.B.: Oh wow, you stopped calling her trailer trash *teasing*
A.C.: *shrugs* I figured I should call her by her name or whatever.
N.B.: *eye roll*
From M:
For Alice:
Do you really love garret? Or would you leave him in a instant if you knew N.B. wanted you back?
A.C.: O.o why is everyone askin me this?
N.B.: Cause they obviously don't want you with Gerald *smiles*
A.C.: Oh yes cause Kathy is sooooo much better.
N.B.: Kathy.... OH! Hey now at least she doesn't talk shit about me to my family *pointed look* And I don't love or claim to love her.
A.C.: What's that supposed to mean?
N.B.: They don't like me with her anymore than you do. And you know what? I do want you back, but I know better.
N.B.: Nothing, forget I even said anything about your precious fiance *mumbles* that wants strippers so he can fuck em before the wedding.
K: *kicks N.B and glares*
A.C.: O.O ...
K: *kicks N.B. again*
N.B.: Fuck, ow *rubs shin* Sorry Alice...
A.C.: O.o
K: What's with the funky eyeballs Ms. Alice?
A.C.: I feel like y'all are keepin something from me.
K: Me? *makes a halo ala Billy Burke in Twilight* Nope, just telling N.B. to stop being a dick. *smiles*
Robs: *snorts*
For Jasper:
Why did you want to make the sex tape with alice so bad? haha
N.B.: Are you the unknown asker? Cause I swear I'm getting deja vu!
K.: oh! and I can tell the future, you're gonna side step this one too!
N.B.: *not amused* I made a sex tape with her as a fail safe. In case shit went wrong, I'd have that memory. That's why I made the damn tape.
K: Was that so hard?
N.B.: *flips K off*
For Both:
How do you guys feel about each other now as opposed to how you felt about each other before Alice's prom?
A.C: I feel disjointed from him now, before... it was intense... we could talk without words... just by looking at each other.
N.B.: We can still do that Ali, we're just too busy second guessing what the other one is thinking.
A.C.: You think?
N.B: *nods* Yeah. I think if anything now, we're unsure. Like walking on egg shells. Where as before, we just... knew.
A.C.: Yeah...
From ffnlucyAlyce:
For Alice:
What was your dream as a child? Minus the NB stuff, are you where you always wanted to be?
AC: I always wanted to be a fashion designer, or a model... or something of that nature, so I'm pretty happy where I am. I have my own house, my own car, and I am working in the fashion world. *smiles*
For Jasper:
What kind of relationship did you have with your parents when you were growing up? You guys seem... okay, but with hints of tension--like you're not quite comfortable at home. Did they like you with Ali Cat?
N.B.: *shifts uncomfortably* Well... before my parents died, we were close. They never got to meet Ali Cat. Greg and Brianna, my God parents... I survived living with them I guess. And yeah, they love Ali...
For Both:
What is your most memorable time with NB/Alice?
N.B.: When we were just us. No outside interruptions or responsibilities. Just me and her and our own little bubble.
A.C.: Robs won't let me say much, but let's just say... Ryan's conception.
N.B.: *small smile* Yeah.
A.C.: I wish we never came back... *smiles at N.B.*
N.B.: *takes her hand and kisses it* Me too
Robs: *whispers to K* Awwww that was cute!
K: Meh... he has his moments *wrinkles nose*
Robs: *scoffs at K and shakes head*
From evilmonstermon:
For Both:
So I heard that you 2 have gotten erm... pretty adventurous stuff in the bedroom...which one was most memorable & whose ideas was it?
N.B.: *snorts* It's all Ali Cat, don't let the innocent, doe like eyes fool you.
K: *hides behind notebook trying not to laugh*
AC: *eyebrow* Oh really? Who was the one who initiated tie me up and spank me sex?
N.B.: Umm... you, cause it was your idea to watch that video and proceed to tell me you'd be willing to try it.
AC: After you spanked me while having sex! And you're the one who started the sex stuff to begin with anyway.
N.B.: How do you figure? You said that there was no way *K covers his mouth*
K: Guys there's a thing called spoilers and yer doing it.
A.C.: Sorry K. *glares at N.B.*
Robs: *giggles* I swear this is like foreplay for y'all.
K: It's okay, just don't want to give to much away. And I AGREE.
N.B.: *mumbles*
K: You gonna be good?
N.B: *muffled* Yeff
K: *lets go*
N.B. That was all you Ali cause of what you said. I just helped.
A.C: I didn't tell you to... yeah. *clears throat* And besides who had his head under who's shirt during my fourteenth birthday party?
N.B: *goofy grin* I was just going off your signs
K: Who's idea was it for the sex tape?
N.B: O.O
A.C. Yeah. *crosses arms*
N.B.: Okay, I'm a sexual deviant... Jeez *rolls eyes*
From x time to burn x:
For Alice:
How did you feel when Jasper didn’t reply after you sent the picture of Ryan?
A.C.: I felt a little sad... I hoped he would understand...
Did you realize he hadn’t understood or did you just think he didn’t care?
A.C.: No I knew if he understood the picture he would care, he's just like that... I never ever wanted to trap him.
For Jasper:
What actually happened between you and Felix?
N.B.: Honestly I don't remember...
Rose: You went into a rage that one day. It was fucking scary to be honest.
N.B.: Yeah I don't remember that. I just remember one minute wanting to kill him for the things he was saying and the next Emmett's holding me back and Edward was wailing on him.
K: Well, besides the black out thing what else?
N.B.: Ummm... Felix was a 'friend' before the whole Alice thing. Once he made it clear that he was going after her, things changed.
Rose: Cause you couldn't man up *eye roll*
N.B.: Don't
Rose: What? You practically stalked the girl and then leave her fucking heart broken. Don't tell me 'Don't', I have a right to say what I want and damn it Jazz, you're a dumbass.
N.B.: Don't you have to go fuck Emmett or something?
Rose: He's passed out *giggles*
N.B.: Ew
For Both:
How did Edward react to your 7(10) minutes of heaven?
N.B.: He didn't really. I mean yeah there were the "I'm gonna beat you to a bloody pulp" glares but he didn't do anything about it, which quite honestly scared me more. I would have rather that he broke my nose or something.
K.: O.o why?
N.B.: Usually when he doesn't react, it's bad... really bad
Rose: You know you're making him seem like he's a psycho or something.
N.B.: No, I'm just saying that Edward's the kind of guy to be up front when he doesn't like something. The only time I've seen him hold his tongue is around Armani prick.
Rose: And You.
Bella: Seriously, you need to stop making my husband seem like so abusive prick. Because he's not. He's the farthest thing from it.
K: Well hello girls...
Bella: *to K* Hey, *turns back to Jasper* From what I heard, the only reason why he went off on Felix like he did was because Felix wouldn't drop it. He was already bloody from YOU, not Edward.
N.B.: I'm not trying to make him seem like nothing. I was just pointing out
Bella: Did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason why Edward is the way he is, is because he has to be?
N.B.: O.o
Bella: You know Ed would kill to protect his family. Hell, he would kill to protect Em, Rosie, even you. But Alice always comes first.
N.B.: No you come first, your his wife.
Bella: *shakes head* No dumb ass. It's the same way with Emmett only Emmett doesn't have the self control Ed does. If it came down to telling someone how they felt our hurting their baby sister, they will bite their tongue until it falls off before hurting us.
Rose: *nods in agreement*
Bella: That's why Edward didn't kick Garrett's ass, because he knows his baby sister is in love with him. As much as me may not agree with it. He sees it and he knows if he made Garrett uncomfortable or do something negative towards him, he knows it would crush Alice. So he chooses to stay silent.
Rose: *snorts* Which isn't easy.
Bella: I know right? Trust us. Ed hates Garrett as much as you do. But he just doesn't want to hurt Alice. Christ if I had twenty dollars for every time he said he wanted to take you out back and shoot you, I would be rich. But you know why he doesn't beat your ass.
N.B.: Alice...
Rose and Bella: Exactly.
Bella: So before you go and make my husband your scape goat for your issues. Think. I may not know you as well as the others, but I know you're a smart guy, you just make stupid choices.
N.B.: *rolls eyes*
Rose: *smacks him upside his head* I won't hesitate to have Emmett give you the ass kicking we all know you deserve.
N.B.: *rubs the back of his head* You know this was supposed to be for me and Alice only, right?
K: *snorts* When do y'all ever listen to me and Robs?
All three: Touche
A.C.: Back to the question... um... well Ed decided he needed to tell me that older guys were sometimes bad because they wanted different things than I did... I think he was tryin to inply that N.B. had impure thoughts about me
N.B. *snorts* he's such a know it all
A.C.: so you did?
N.B. uh, duh, I had my head up your shirt and I was humping you... O.o
Ed: Told you.
A.C.: Shuttup Ed.
Ed: *triumphant smile*
A.C.: I thought you just got carried away.
N.B. *shakes head* Well, yes I did but it didn't mean I never thought about doing that with you
A.C.: Really? Wow.
Ed: *still smug*
N.B: *nods* Yeah... And what the hell are you so smug about? Dude the first time Bella came to visit Em and Charlie after puberty hit you were so obvious about your 'intentions' with the fair Swan
Bella: *snorts* I thought he was just playing White Knight
Rose: *falls over laughing* Since when did helping a girl up include boob grope and hard-ons?
Bella: *blush*
Ed: Um... uh.... Shit. I gotta go to work.
A.C.: *laughs*
Bella: *laughs*
N.B.: Ha!
A.C.: he acts like he's such a good guy.
K: *snorts*
N.B.: Puhlease. Where do you think I learned half of the shit I do...
A.C.: o.o *blink* what?
N.B.: Nothing *shifty eyes* Hey wanna go to the movies?
A.C.: sure *grins*
Welllllllllllll.... that was interesting. Thanks to Rose, Ed and Bella for stopping by, very unexpected :D And Thank you to the readers that asked the questions We hope they shed some light (or made you laugh) on some things :)